Signs & Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalances

Symptoms of hormonal imbalances can manifest in many ways including:
Mood changes including depression, anxiety, irritability, and emotional swings
Menstrual changes (including painful, heavy or irregular periods)
Increased PMS
Memory and concentration issues
Unexplained weight gain (or difficulty losing weight)
Weight gain or difficulty losing weight.
Bad memory or brain fog
Fatigue and low energy levels
Lack of motivation of just feeling “flat”
Changes in sleep patterns, such as insomnia or excessive sleepiness.
Changes in libido or sexual dysfunction.
Vaginal dryness or painful sex
Digestive problems like bloating or constipation
Skin issues, including acne and dryness
Hair loss or excessive hair growth.
Hot flashes or night sweats
Bone density changes
Muscle weakness or decreased muscle mass.
It's important to note that these symptoms can vary widely depending on the specific hormones involved and the extent of the imbalance. If you suspect a hormone imbalance, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and management.

Potential Causes of Hormone Imbalances
Hormonal imbalances are created by a combination of factors. Some of the major causes of hormonal imbalances include:
Food allergies: We estimate that up to one in three women may have an immune reaction to common foods they are eating on a regular basis. This inflammation creates hormone imbalances.
Gut flora imbalances: It is common in our modern world to have too much of the wrong bacteria in your digestive tract (or even too much yeast, called candida), and not enough of the helpful “probiotic” bacteria. An imbalance in your gut bugs can cause imbalances in your hormones.
Weight gain: Your body fat cells can create inflammation, interfere with insulin function, and also produce estrogen!
Inflammation: inflammation from any cause can create various hormone imbalances, especially with cortisol and insulin.
Genetic predisposition: Certain genes affect how your body metabolizes estrogen and how well you can metabolize toxins. Do you have hormone problems in your family?
Toxin exposure: We are all exposed to thousands of man-made chemicals every day. Many of these chemicals are hormone disruptors, meaning they interfere with how your hormones work.
Stress: This is a huge cause of hormone imbalances due to the effect of cortisol (your main stress hormone) on all your other hormones.
Lifestyle factors: Poor nutrition (especially too much sugar!), lack of sleep, and lack of exercise affect your hormonal balance in very profound ways.
Age: If you are 25 years old your hormonal symptoms are likely caused by very different factors than if you are 55. We go through predictable hormone changes throughout our lifetime, but not all women have PMS or menopausal symptoms. So why you? If you aren’t feeling good, please don’t blame it on your age!
It’s time for an evaluation to understand how your body is working, then a personalized plan to restore your wellness. It just makes sense! The solution will be different for everyone, because we need to address YOUR unique circumstances. Feel free to schedule a complimentary phone consultation to see what the best next steps are for you.